Common Questions
What is SilverSafe™ ?
Don't be misled - ONLY B.E.S.T. has the SilverSafe™. Unlike Silver impregnated systems (also known as silver infused, impregnated, embossed and Nano silvers), our SilverSafe™ technology actually purifies the water.
SilverSafe™ is the process of silver coating gems and installing them in position within the filter -separate to the carbon medium- which forces all water to come in contact with the silver - unlike the standard domestic filters where a minute amount of silver is used (either being sprayed onto, or sprinkled in with the carbon) and only some of the water touches the silver.
Our tests have shown that the mere presence of silver in water is not enough ensure your drinking water is safe. This is what sets B.E.S.T.’s SilverSafe™ apart from the rest. More information can be found in our Water On The Road Booklet.
What will the B.E.S.T. Inline filter take out?
For a more detailed answer, please download my free Ebook Water On The Road. In the back you will see tests which were done in a laboratory. It also shows the different results achieved between hard water and soft water.
Now remember - the removal rates were one at a time in the laboratory. In the real world, where there are multiple substances to be removed all at once, you may not get the same result.
TIP. If you are unsure of the water quality and/or require a higher filtration, turn the tap flow down low, slowly fill your tanks and then draw off the tank water. This will give you a greater contact time with the filter medium, resulting in greater filtration and better tasting water.
Does the B.E.S.T. Inline remove minerals/heavy metals?
No. Unfortunately, water filters aren't brilliant at removing these. It can assist by running the water through slowly. The slower the better will assist with greater removal. See test reports in our Water On The Road Booklet.
Do your filters remove fluoride?
Natural fluoride - Yes. [See test results in our Water On The Road Booklet]. The fluoride added by councils - No.
Which model is for me?
All of our Inline models are basically the same filter - just with different connections. See our Help Page for different scenarios.
Select from Plastic [322H-Hose fittings in plastic] or Brass [322HB Hose fittings in Brass].
How long does a B.E.S.T. Inline water filter last?
Unlike domestic units that need to be replaced at regular time intervals, not because the filter medium is depleted, but due to bacterial contamination - the B.E.S.T. filtration systems use the SilverSafe® technology to keep the filters bacteria free, so there is no time limit. It comes down to your usage. The Inline is given an approx. 5,000L life rating, which is based on the carbon ( used for chemical removal) removing chlorine added to the supply water at the maximum allowable level. Very often, whether you are at home or traveling, the chlorine level fluctuates, often down to a point where there is very little (or sometimes, none at all). At this point the carbon isn’t being used up. Hence, you can often go beyond the 'Rated to treat' level. As a guide; if 1 person drank 2 litres of water per day, they would only drink 730 litres per year. We often say - "if it's still flowing good and still tasting good, then it's still good to use".
(Filter life is determined, and affected, by chlorine levels, minerals, and dirts and sediments. )
What is the Micron rating of the B.E.S.T. Inline?
There are dual membranes at each end of the B.E.S.T. Inline - 4 membranes in total. Both ends have a 5 micron membrane to withhold dirt/sediment. This assists in keeping the following 1 Micron to stay clean to do its job of trapping bacteria, parasites, etc. like E.coli. Giardia.
Should I filter all the water going into my rig or just the drinking water point?
This is a personal choice. The most popular choice is to filter all the water. This way, not only is it easier to carry out maintenance on the B.E.S.T. Inline, but the filter will also assist in preventing contamination happening in your tank/s, pipe work, hotwater system, etc.
Also, when you travel you may find different waters effect your skin and hair. Filtering all your water will assist in balancing the water quality as you travel.
Can I draw water directly from a stream/river?
We have many customers that do this. However, the water needs to be from a flowing water source and clear to the eye, otherwise the micro-sediments, etc could block the filter to a point where it is no longer able to be back-flushed. If the water has high sediment, we recommend installing a pre-filter prior to the B.E.S.T. inline filter.
A couple of options are - a gauze/disk cleanable inline filter, or a housing filter with semi cleanable cartridge, like a swimming pool filter. Due to the unknown level of bacteria, if using this water for drinking, we recommend filling a container or water tanks and letting the water sit for 2 hours to ensure maximum bacterial kill.
Water Colour - The colour in river/streams is not always just dirt and sediment. Tannins (a type of organic material that is produced naturally by decaying vegetation and plant matter) are also present in rivers and streams. At times, in stagnant or very slow flowing waterways (and also after rain, which washes the tannins into the rivers/streams), the level of tannins can be high, making the water a very brown/yellow colour.
Depending on the level and type of tannin present, carbon medium found in the majority of water filters will not remove all of the tannin. Sometimes, only a very small percentage of the tannin will be removed, leaving brown stained water coming through your water filter. While it can add an unpleasant taste and odour to the water, it can also stain porcelain, shower cubicles, toilet bowls, clothes, etc, leaving them looking yellow.
NOTE: Unsuitable water quality that effects the performance of any filter, is not covered under any warranty, as it is NOT a manufacturing fault.
I fill up at home from my rain water tank, so we’ll be alright won’t we?
Maybe... If you had your water tested at home, you would probably find out that it has some type of 'bug/s' in it. When you drink a certain type of water for long enough, you can build up an immunity to these 'bugs'.
When you fill your RV water tank with your rain water, this tank will be subjected to heat reflected off the road as you travel. This can be enough to encourage a rapid growth of bacteria ('bugs') to a level that your body is no longer happy with.
Solution - Always fill with a B.E.S.T. Inline to kill the bugs BEFORE they enter your tanks. This won't alter the taste of your rain water - it just makes it safe.
What water pressure / sized pump is needed for the B.E.S.T. Inlines?
If you are using a ‘constant flow’ pump (one that doesn’t turn off until the power is cut), any size will do. If you are building it into your rig and your pump has an internal switch that will turn the pump off when the tap is closed, you will need a pump that can produce around 35 PSI or 240 kpa. Anything smaller and the pump will just keep turning off and on.
A rule of thumb, if the pump has 10mm [3/8”] inlet and outlet, then it may be too small.
What Flow rate can I get through the Inline?
This is subject to the incoming pressure, but the output flow can be around 12-15 litres per minute. Most water saving showers are around 6-9 L/m. Note: For better removal of contaminants - the slower the water flows through the unit, the better filtration you will receive.
There is no In/Out marked on the Inline. Which end do I connect to?
This is subject to the incoming pressure, but the output flow can be around 12-15 litres per minute. Most water saving showers are around 6-9 L/m.
Note: For better removal of contaminants -The B.E.S.T. Inlines do not have a set flow direction - no Inlet or Outlet. Our Inline was designed this way to allow it to be back-flushed. Each end of the filter is the same (a mirror reverse) so it can be connected from either end. The slower the water flows through the unit, the better filtration you will receive.
Can you replace the inside only on the B.E.S.T. Inline?
The B.E.S.T. filter has been manufactured as sealed unit. This way, we can ensure it only has the high quality filtration mediums and SilverSafe™ we require. Since the SilverSafe™ controls the bacteria and makes it a long life system, dollar for dollar you are way in front of the refillable and standard domestic types of filters.
What should I do when my filter is not in use? (i.e. during periods of non-travel.)
B.E.S.T. Inline Filter:
As the B.E.S.T. Inline is not a domestic filter, there is no special treatment you need to do. This is due to the inclusion of our SilverSafe® technology keeping the filter bacteria free. If your B.E.S.T. Inline is loose and used on an RV on your filling hose, just make sure the ends are sealed to stop vermin entering when not in use. If the inline is built-in under your sink point, there is nothing to do prior to storage. When you're ready to travel again, just flush a couple of litres of water through the unit in both directions before you use it to flush the membranes and freshen the carbon.
DOMESTIC / NON-B.E.S.T. filtration systems:
These systems, whilst removing the chlorine efficiently, have no ability to destroy bacteria leaving the 'bugs' free to continue multiplying. A common solution to this is to remove the cartridge, let it drain completely and dry out (the dryer the better), then wrap it up in plastic/plastic wrap. Unfortunately, this drying process can take a few days. The reason it needs to be absolutely dry is because the you need to store it in the freezer to kill the bugs. Storing it the fridge can merely send them into ‘hibernation’. Putting it in the freezer will kill them BUT if you haven’t drained it out completely - water expands when it freezes and becomes ice so this will put a split in the cartridge, which will damage the micron rating of the cartridge. So, next time you use it, the bacteria are free to pass through the crack.
(NOTE - this crack may not be visible to the eye.) This storage process is the same for standard inline filters as well.
Is my B.E.S.T. Inline Water Filter just a filter or is it a purifier?
The membranes in our Inlines ‘filter out’ contaminants, the carbon adsorbs the chemicals. Since the SilverSafe™ is a stand alone system and not combined with any other medium, it is able to purify as well. See the results and residual kill rate of bacteria in our Water On The Road Booklet.
I’ve heard about R.O. [reverse osmosis] filters. Are they better?
An R.O. has it’s good and bad points. They strip the water of what’s ‘bad’ and should leave nothing but water behind. In doing this, it wastes about 5 litres of brine water to make 1 litre of ‘nothing in it’ water and takes about 20 minutes to do so. Whilst travelling, this isn’t very practical and in fact has been frowned upon in some of our drier, high salinity areas of the country. Wasting water and putting harder, brine water back into an already high salt environment isn’t environmentally friendly. Health practitioners will also advise that if you are taking these natural essential minerals out of the water, you should have professional advice on supplements that you should be taking to replace them. Furthermore, an R.O. requires more regular servicing at costs which can end up being quite high. If ‘low cost maintenance’ is promoted on them, then the R.O. part of the system will likely be low quality and break down quickly. They have no resistance to bacteria breeding and destroying the membrane which, when this happens, allows the substances to pass through. If you do require one for medical reasons, try to reuse the R.O. waste water in toilet cisterns/ washing machines/ etc. If you are looking for one to combat the hard mineral feel of the water, perhaps look at a water conditioner that softens the water as an alternative. Regardless, there are some parts of this country where you just have to buy water. E.g. Coral Bay WA.
What side of the pump do I install the Inline on?
Pumps are designed to push water better than pulling it, so we recommend installation of our B.E.S.T. Inline to be after the pump. If you do install it before the pump and the filter becomes clogged, it may run it dry and damage the pump.
My filter blocks up too regularly, what can I do about it?
This is caused by water that has excessive dirt/sediment or minerals. If you are using a filter on these types of waters, you may need to install a pre-filter and/or a water conditioner. If you are stuck somewhere and this has happened and back-flushing doesn’t help, try filling your tanks with the filter even though it will be slow. Disconnect the filter, blow out as much water as possible, then stand it on its end for 2-3 days in the sun and let it dry out completely. Once you have done that, re-commission the filter (follow initial flush instructions).
Can I replace/change the ends of my Inline?
Yes, it’s quite simple. No need for thread tape and/or paste, simply unscrew the fitting that is in there. Be careful not to lose the blue fibre washers and screw in the new fitting. The thread size is 3/4” (20mm) BSP Female thread.
Can I convert my existing Inline from ‘on the hose’ to built in’ (or vice versa).
Yes! All of our Inlines are the same filter with different ends on. Simple remove the existing fitting and install your new fitting. It must be a ‘BSP’ thread 3/4” or 20mm.
The ends of my filter keep leaking.
Plastic ends can wear eventually and may need replacing. These ends are available from most hardware stores. Often referred to as 'Sprinkler Adaptors'.
My water is milky looking.
Milky looking water is generally just air bubbles. If you fill a glass of water and see the bubbles (or 'milkiness') rapidly clearing from the bottom of glass up, it’s just air. Your B.E.S.T. filter has a higher quality carbon than most, which means it has a many more and finer holes in each granule of carbon.
This is where the air is trapped and it just needs to be flushed out more. The water is safe, it will just give you a dry metallic taste, which will make you thirsty and make you drink more :)
My water has a metallic taste.
See "My water is milky looking" above. It is the same problem - your filter needs extra flushing to remove the excess air bubbles.
I’m getting a strange taste in my water…
Your filter is designed to reduce chemicals, taste and odour. There are a couple of reasons why you still may have a problem and to determine where the issue is coming from is a process of elimination. The main problem we hear about is plastic taste.
The drinking water hose is the most common cause of 'plastic taste'. Please do not use a standard green garden hose. These are often made from recycled plastics which are not food grade and will release toxins when heated in the sun. There are also some hoses which claim to be food grade that can still produce a taste. The brands we use and haven’t had any taste problems with are RX industries, Barfell and the Flat-Out Hose. There may be other quality brands available on the market that do not release any taste - please ensure your own research is done prior to purchasing your new drinking water hose. Like all plumbing, heat has a major factor in the condition of your water. In hotter climates, many travellers opt to fill their tanks in the cool of the day, pack the hose away in the shade and draw off the tank water.
NOTE: Water hose manufactures also recommend replacing your hose around 5 years old. The pipelines running from your tank to your outlet tap also require replacement from time to time as they also breakdown with age. We had a customer who replaced all of the hose lines in his rig with new tubing and found that it was one small 80mm section of tubing just under the tap point that was the cause of the taste.